Pizza in Cuba has become an essential staple in the Cuban diet, both to quickly combat hunger if we are on the street, as a delicatessen in a restaurant. It is not an exclusive phenomenon to the Island. The popularity of this Italian specialty lives an eternal hype in the western world. However, in Cuba we do have a prevalent variation of the pizza: the bulky, fat one with cheese dripping down the sides.
However, in recent years other ways of preparing pizzas have become popular. Both in restaurants and pizzerias, new styles have arrived to change the tastes of Cubans and open a new universe of flavors, textures and sauces.
Pizzas with Mandao
With our app, you can order different pizzas, very far from the traditional Cuban ones and with some surprising twists among its ingredients.
For example, at Nueva Pizza they opt for an Italian style, with thick outer crusts and a thin crust on the inside, prepared with different sauces. Amatriciana, Diávola, Barbacoa, and de la Huerta are some of the options this establishment offers along with other more traditional ones.

From Al Forno we also get a «rarity» for the taste of Cubans. Their vegetarian pizza comes with onions, sweet potato, roasted pepper and pumpkin, a mixture that we are not used to in these parts.
Not to be left behind, the Pizza 3 Estaciones from Pizzería La Piccola is another among these “raras avis,” prepared with fresh buffalo mozzarella, shrimp, mushrooms and olives, a fusion of different and contrasting flavors, but one that is worth giving a try.
Make your Cuban pizza
If you love to cook, you can always make your pizza at home. And we don’t mean making the dough from scratch, we mean the sauces and the additions. After all, the sauce is one of the most important parts of these Italian dishes. To prepare it, you can order everything you need at the different Mandao farms, from tomatoes, peppers, pineapples, spices and other options. You can also order vegetables to your liking, as they do at Al Forno, and add your favorite combination.

In addition, at El Mercadito you can also order different types of cheese, or even pre-made pizzas from Living Havana, from which you can start your recipes and experiment until you find your new favorite combination.
Don’t wait any longer, order your favorite pizza or prepare your pizza with the help of Mandao.