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The best barbecue chicken Cuban style

  • on mayo 24, 2022
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pollo a la barbacoa

If you were wondering how to make a Cuban barbecue chicken, we can’t blame you: a classic of classics within Cuban dishes is barbecue chicken. It is a recipe that has its origins in the Chinese population emigrated to our country, Cuba.

While most Cuban dishes contain chicken, the Cuban barbecue chicken recipe is a different way to turn the great traditional delicacy into an explosion of flavors.

This Cuban dish is made with Chinese sauce, better known as soy sauce, a salty condiment with a sweet touch of Asian origin. Although soy sauce originated in China, it soon became the favorite of Orientals, spreading throughout Asia, and reached the West. Its elaboration is through the fermentation of soybeans with roasted cracked wheat. The preparation of this ingredient of barbecue chicken usually lasts about a year in clay pots, where sometimes a little dried mushrooms are added to give another type of spice to the sauce.

How to make Cuban barbecue chicken?

Making barbecued chicken is simpler than it seems, although before starting we must take into account some important tips on the use of spices and soy.

Remember that you can experiment in the kitchen as much as you like, but you have to know that if it is the first time you try the Cuban barbecue chicken recipe, it is better to taste as you add the spices. This is because if at some point we overdo it with the condiments we can spoil the preparation of the chicken with chinese sauce.

Tips for making Cuban style barbecue chicken

To prepare Cuban-style barbecue chicken, it is important to go through each step of the recipe and analyze the different ingredients and how to use them. One of the most important tips is to be careful with the amount of Chinese sauce, since it should not be spiced in large quantities because it contains a marinade of spices that gives that spectacular taste, a flavor that is then transferred to the barbecue chicken.

A tip is to use butter and a tablespoon of unsalted soy sauce, in case of using only soy sauce it is a good option to use 1/4 of water to continue seasoning to your liking. 

Moreover, it is necessary to take into account the accompaniments with which the barbecued chicken can be served, here is a great list:

  • Fried ripe bananas
  • Rice
  • Potatoes: The trick within this side dish is to add it while you make the chicken so that it takes on the flavor and juice that long the famous mixture.
  • Boiled viands

Any of these options is a great accompaniment, but if you have a favorite you can combine these tastes and form your favorite dish.

Ingredients to make Cuban style barbecue chicken.

The recipe yields for five people, but in case you want to make less you can experiment with the ingredients, without overdoing the seasoning of the barbecue chicken.

For the chicken

  • 5 portions of chicken (thigh and drumstick)
  • Juice of 1 sour orange
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon ground paprika
  • 1/4 Pound unsalted butter
  • Salt to taste

For the sauce:

  • 1 tablespoon of Chinese Sauce or Soy Sauce
  • 4 tablespoons ketchup
  • 1/2 cup dry wine
  • 1 onion (small chopped)
  • 1 teaspoon ground oregano
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • Pepper to taste

Remember that you can find these products and more at El Mercadito and at our Agromarket Store!

barbecue chicken
Source: Pexels

Cuban Style Barbecue Chicken Recipe

Firstly, to start the Cuban barbecue chicken recipe, we must have all the ingredients, in case we want to replace any of them, remember that they have similar characteristics, for example: replace brown sugar with white sugar or butter with a little oil.

It is important to play with the ingredients you have at home. But if by chance you are missing any, remember that with Mandao making your recipes is possible and fast. Visit our app to make your recipes simpler and carefree!

  1. Before starting the Cuban barbecue chicken recipe we must marinate the chicken with juice, garlic, cumin, paprika and a pinch of salt. We will leave it for approximately 30 minutes so that the chicken takes the flavor of the spices and it is easier to feel its flavor.
  1.  Melt the butter for the sauce in a saucepan or frying pan. Together with the butter, add the remaining ingredients, cooking for approximately 2 or 3 minutes until it comes to a boil.
  1. Then proceed to add the chicken to the steamer (if you want to make barbecued chicken in a pressure cooker you should leave it for less time, approximately 15 minutes). We turn the chicken until the butter is impregnated, on both sides cooking a couple of minutes side by side. After this step we pour the Chinese sauce to finish seasoning. Once this step is done, close the pot with a lid and let it cook for 30 minutes.
  1. Once the chicken is tender and has a beautiful color, it’s time to take it out and enjoy the best barbecue chicken recipe.

Not only can you make chicken thigh for your Cuban-style barbecue chicken: you can use wings in the same way. In addition, you can try grilling, baking or broiling chicken; it’s always a good idea to know different types of cooking to choose your favorite.

As we always advise, in case you want to renew the recipe you can add other types of condiments. In the case of barbecue chicken, many people in different countries use mustard, onion, vinegar and tabasco, but if you want to go for the original and traditional, this barbecue chicken recipe will help you surprise your loved ones.

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